GraffitiSuite offers amazing classes for Xojo. GraffitiSuite UI components are, largely, very easy to implement. Drag them on to your view, Set some properties, Implement event handlers, Add some code to load data if needed, and your app is improved! Choose from Mobile, Desktop, Web and All-Access editions of GraffitiSuite.
GraffitiSuite is an ever-expanding set of classes for Xojo Desktop and Web targets that aims to both ease development and provide access to advanced features and user interface concepts without unnecessarily complicating your project code. Take your User Interface to the next level with more than 55 additional components for Xojo Desktop and more than 50 for Xojo Web! Improve your application with better checkboxes, listboxes, textfields and more! Or add entirely new functionality like HTML editors, kanban boards, timelines, calendars and slideshows! GraffitiSuite gives you the tools and power to build wonderful, beautiful applications!