MBS Complete Plugin Set
Monkeybread Software is one of the most respected names in the Xojo community and offers a variety of plugins.
The MBS Complete Plugins Set enhances Xojo with over 73,000 functions! It includes over 50 different plugins. Supports 32-bit and 64-bit.
The Complete Plugin Set includes:
- AVFoundation: Record, load and edit assets, export and convert, play and extract
- Audio: Cross-platform Midi and Audio
- Barcode: Create and recognize barcodes
- Bluetooth: Classes for Bluetooth and Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE for macOS and Windows
- Cameras: Use the Nikon or Canon Digital EOS SDK to access Nikon or Canon digital cameras
- Compression: zlib compression and gzip file handling. Archive classes for tar/zip and other formats
- ComputerControl: The plugin to simulate keyboard and mouse input and do gamma changes
- CURL: Protocols: ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https, gopher, telnet, dict, ldap and file
- DataTypes: Various data type classes like stacks, maps (specialized case sensitive dictionary classes) and sets
- Dongle: Unikey, HASP, Matrix and Rockey dongles
- DuckDB: Classes to connect use DuckDB database engine in Xojo
- Encryption: Encryption like AES, BlowFish and RC4. Hashes like SHA3, SHA512 and others
- FMAPI: Connect to Claris FileMaker Server via Data or Admin API
- GraphicMagick: Create, edit, and compose bitmap images using the ImageMagick library
- Images: Read and write Tiff files, ICC profiles, CMYK, Grayscale, Black/White and RGB images, GIF files, JPEG, PNG, cross-platform optical text recognition based on the Tesseract OCR engine
- Java: Use Java classes in Xojo
- Linux: Linux only stuff: HTMLViewer extensions and avahi classes for zeroconf
- Mac64bit: macOS 64bit only classes: Photos, TouchBar, WebKit 2.x, Contacts, EventKit, Social and Accounts frameworks
- MacCF: Mac OS classes for CoreFoundation framework
- MacCG: Mac OS classes for CoreGraphics framework
- MacCI: macOS only stuff: Mac OS classes for CoreImage framework
- MacClassic: Drag and Drop, KeyChain, AppleScript, Colorsync, Alias, Apple Filing Protocol, Clipboard and Speech
- MacCloud: Classes for iCloud and Mac App Store
- MacCocoa: Cocoa classes: AppleRemote, StatusItem, SpeechSynthesizer and SpeechRecognizer, Save/OpenPanel, PDFKit, SpellChecking and Addressbook
- MacControls: NSTextView, PDFViewer, HTMLViewer extensions (WebKit), DiscRecording, Canvas gestures and buttons
- MacExtras: Attached window, Password field, Sparkle (in-app Updates), iTunes Library, Apple Remotes, OSA Kit, Continuity Camera, patches for Drag & Drop and Accessibility
- MacFrameworks: Notifications, NSURLSession, Sharing, Game Kit, OpenCL, Core WLAN, Calendar Database and FSEvents
- MacOSX: DVD Playback, Growl, CoreImage, CoreAudio, LaunchServices, ImageCapture, Loginitems and Bonjour
- Main: Free for all registered users
- Network: Network related classes like SSH, DNS lookup, TCP and UDP Sockets
- Overlay: Display windows with full alpha channel
- Picture: Icons, Screenshots and some picture effects
- RabbitMQ: An open-source project implementing a message-broker software
- Tools: Run JavaScript without HTMLViewer
- USB: Classes for HID USB devices on macOS and Windows
- Util: Utility plugin parts like encryption, string and memoryblock funtions
- VLC: Classes for using VLC library to play videos on Mac, Windows and Linux
- Win: Windows only classes for Drag & Drop, Photos Acquire, Color Matching, DDE, file and URL shortcuts, Speech, MCI, User Notifications, printer lists and HTMLViewer extensions
- WinFrameworks: Windows only classes for Windows Machine Learning, WebView2 control, Windows Store, File Dialogs, Location and Photo Acquire
- XL: Classes for working with word files and reading/writing Excel files using libXL (separate license)
- XMP: Created and parse XMP metadata