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iOSMobileTable Extended

iosMobileTableExtended is an API2 subclass of the original MobileTable that adds some very useful features. Almost all the features are implemented as an interface for your datasource and you can add only the methods for the features you really need.


Mobile iOS Table Extensions

  • Dark mode enabled - All the color features are usable for darkmode (iOS 13+)
  • Customize Swipe to reload - Set a custom color for the update wheel and show a custom text to the user
  • Table Header and Footer - Global Header and Footer
  • Custom section Header and footer (use MobileTableCustomCell)
  • Contextual Menu - Long touch on the cell to pop up a custom contextual menu
  • Side index - To show a menu on the right side, as in the Contacts application, to navigate quickly between table sections
  • TextEdit Fix - Fix to the bug that scrolls the entire view when a keyboard is shown; optionally control the distance from the top of the cell
  • Multiple Selection - You can enable the multiple selection editing
  • Search - You can use search with scope buttons

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